Ardmillan Orthodontics Edinburgh

Treatment With Braces

Your orthodontist will be happy to discuss your needs and tailor the appliances to your specific case and lifestyle.
Type of Appliances
Treatment With Braces

Type of Appliances

Here you will find a description of the type of appliances used at Ardmillan Orthodontics. Please note that some of these treatment appliances are only suitable for specific cases.
Fixed Braces
Fixed Braces

These are the most common type of orthodontic braces, often known as ‘train tracks’. The advantages are that they are able to fine-tune the position of the teeth reliably and with modern sophisticated designs, they are smaller and relatively fast acting to reduce treatment time.

Removable Braces
Removable Braces

Removable braces are custom-made, consisting of a plastic brace with metal wire components. It simply clips onto the teeth and over time, it brings about the required change in their position. It can be easily inserted and removed for cleaning.

Fixed Braces

These are the most common type of orthodontic braces. They are often known as ‘train tracks’. The advantages are that they are able to fine-tune the position of the teeth reliably and with modern sophisticated designs, they are smaller and relatively fast acting to reduce treatment time. This will enable you to achieve that great smile in a shorter space of time.
This brace will be attached to your teeth, you should not try to remove it, as you may damage your teeth and the treatment will not work.
It may be necessary at some point during this treatment to wear elastics on the brackets, these are worn all the time including mealtimes.
The main types of fixed braces are:
  • Metal / Stainless Steel Fixed Braces
  • Tooth coloured / Ceramic Braces
Modern technology has allowed fixed braces to be hidden and placed discretely on the inside/back surfaces of your teeth. Incognito® and Harmony® offer an amazing opportunity for our adult or teenage patients to have the fixed braces treatment completely hidden from the outer teeth surfaces. They are advanced generation of braces which are custom made for each patient. These advanced technology braces are offered as a private treatment option.

Removable Braces

Removable braces are custom-made, consisting of a plastic brace with metal wire components. It simply clips onto the teeth and over time, it brings about the required change in their position. It can be easily inserted and removed for cleaning.
Another specific type of removable brace is called Functional Brace. These are designed for growing children (age 7-10) and adolescents (age 11-14). The combination of effects on the jaw, teeth and surrounding soft tissues can bring and assist a change in the position of the children’s teeth and facial profile.
Modern technology has also moved rapidly forward with removable braces. Invisalign®uses modern custom made series of nearly invisible clear thin plastic mouthguard type trays ‘aligner’ to move your teeth into a straight beautiful position. As you replace each aligner every one or two weeks, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week, gradually moving towards the projected final perfect position.  Comfortable, clear and convenient – Invisalign transforms your smile without disrupting your life. Something that over 5 million people worldwide have already discovered.
Our principal orthodontist is certified and experienced in using Incognito®, Harmony® and Invisalign®. We have many successful cases, which we can happily share with you.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign are a series of custom designed wafer thin clear aligners bespoke braces are worn over the treatment period.
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Ardmillan Orthodontics Edinburgh

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We understand that orthodontic treatment can be daunting, that’s why we’d love to take the opportunity to show you around and introduce you to our staff. Our online consultations are free and there’s no obligation to take up treatment.
  • Adult Orthodontics
  • Child & Teenager Orthodontics
  • Cosmetic Appliances
  • Retainers
  • NHS Treatments
  • Private Treatments

NHS & Private Patients Welcome

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British Orthodontic SocietyNHS LothianInvisalignBritish Dental Association